Blackman Carr. L.T., Nezami, B.T., Leone, L.A. (2020). Mediation of Exercise Differences in Black Women with and Without Obesity: A Mediation Analysis. Revise and resubmit.
Bell C.N., Blackman Carr, L.T. (2020). The Role of Weight Perception in Race Differences in BMI Among College Graduate and Non-College Graduate Women. Obesity (Silver Spring). DOI: 10.1002/oby.22765. [Epub ahead of print] PubMed PMID: 32170843.
Bentley-Edwards, K.L., Robbins, P.A., Blackman Carr, L.T., Conde-Dudding, E., Zaw, K., Darity, W. (2019). More than just Black: Gendered denominational variation in depression risk within Black churches. Submitted.
Blackman Carr, L.T., Samuel-Hodge, C., Ward, D. S., Evenson, K. R., Bangdiwala, S. I., Tate, D. F. (2019). Comparative Effectiveness of a Standard Behavioral and Physical Activity Enhanced Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention in Black Women. Women & Health, DOI: 10.1080/03630242.2019.1700585.
Bentley-Edwards, K.L., Blackman Carr, L.T., Robbins, P.A., Conde-Dudding, E., Zaw, K., Darity, W. (2019). Investigating Denominational Differences in Obesity and Diabetes in Black Christians. Journal of Religion and Health, 1-16.
Ilesanmi, A., Dearman C., Blackman Carr, L., Duren-Winfield, V. (2018). The Use of Text Messaging to Promote Physical Activity in African-American College Students: A Feasibility Study. Journal of the National Society of Allied Health, 15(1), 30-44.
Wright, R., Roberson, K., Onsomu, E. O., Johnson, Y., Dearman, C., Blackman Carr, L.T., et al. (2018). Examining the relationship between mindfulness, perceived stress, and blood pressure in African American college students. Journal of Best Practices in Health Professions Diversity, 11(1), 13-30.
Blackman Carr, L.T., Samuel-Hodge, C., Ward, D. S., Evenson, K. R., Bangdiwala, S. I., Tate, D. F. (2018). Racial Differences in Weight Loss Mediated by Engagement and Behavior Change. Ethnicity & Disease, 28(1), 43-48.
Allicock, M., Golin, C.E., Kaye, L., Grodensky, C., Blackman, L.T., Thibodeaux, H. (2016). SafeTalk: Training Peers to Deliver a Motivational Interviewing HIV Prevention Program. Health Promotion Practice, 18(3), 410-417.
Ries, A.V., Blackman, L.T., Page, R.A., Gizlice, Z., Benedict, S., Barnes, K., Kelsey, K., Carter-Edwards, L. (2014). Goal setting for health behavior change: Evidence from an obesity intervention for rural low-income women. Rural and Remote Health, 14(2), 2682.
Scholarly Presentations:
Blackman Carr, L.T., Bentley-Edwards, K., Robbins, P., Conde, E., Darity Jr., W. Understanding obesity in black young adults: Gender as a moderator between denomination and body mass index. Abstract submitted to the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 2020.
Blackman Carr, L.T. Physical activity benefits and barriers in black women during weight loss treatment. Presented at the Physical Activity Special Interest Group, Society of Behavioral Medicine, Behavior Change Grand Rounds Spotlight on Trainee Research, July 2019.
Blackman Carr, L.T., Bentley-Edwards, K., Robbins, P., Conde, E., Darity Jr., W. It is well with my heart? An examination of religion and religious practice on obesity and diabetes in Christian Black Adults. Oral presentation at the American Public Health Association Annual Meeting, November 2019.
Unpacking the Weight: Reducing Obesity in Black Women. (May 2019). Research Seminar, Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Connecticut, Storrs, CT.
Blackman Carr, L.T., Robbins, P.A., Bentley-Edwards, K.L. Worship and wellness: Differences in obesity and diabetes among black Christians by denomination. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, March 2019.
Blackman Carr, L.T., Nezami, B.T., Leone, L.A. Understanding the mechanisms of movement. Physical activity and barrier differences in obese and non-obese black women. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, March 2019.
Blackman Carr, L.T., Samuel-Hodge, C., Ward, D. S., Evenson, K. R., Bangdiwala, S. I., Tate, D. F. A comparison of behavioral weight loss interventions to maximize weight loss in black women. Paper presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, March 2019.
Blackman, L.T., Valle, C.V., Tate, D.F. Differences in Weight Control Eating Behaviors among Black and White Women Enrolled in a Behavioral Weight Loss Intervention. Poster presented at the Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., April 2016.